Sometimes CrossFitters sound like they are speaking an entirely different language of their own. What do all those words mean?
Here are some very helpful CrossFit lingo and vocabulary that will help you navigate around the “box.”
As always, do not be scared to ask anyone questions. At some point in our lives, we were all new to CrossFit.
Always ask questions. All of our Coaches are willing to help.
“I Wish I Knew When I Started” CrossFit Vocab
Box – A name for what we call a “CrossFit Gym”
WOD – Workout Of the Day
AMRAP – As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible
EMOM – Every Minute On the Minute
METCON – Abbreviations for Metabolic Conditioning, also interchangeable with “WOD”
RX’D – Prescribed weight/reps/rounds/movements a workout is written for. Completing RX’D workouts is for long-time, elite-level athletes. Typically takes one to three years to be preforming RX’D workouts.
SCALED – Modifications/adjustments to RX’D written workout
POOD – A Russian unit of measure, used when referring to Kettlebell weights
TABATA – Designated workout that consists of performing a movement for :20 seconds of work, followed by :10 seconds of rest, for 8 total sets per movement
Benchmark Workout – A series of preset workouts, used to track your progress of speed and weight over time
PR – Personal Record
DU – Double-Under, a jump rope exercise where you jump once but spin the rope 2x while you are in the air
KB – Kettlebell
MU – Muscle-Up
OHS – Overhead Squat
HSPU – Handstand Pushup
GHD – Glute Hamstring Developer
While there are more, this is a good, well-rounded list to get you started.
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