The CrossFit philosophy focuses our training program on nine Fundamental and Functional Movements…
The nine Fundamental Movements are:
Air Squat
Shoulder Press
Progression 1
Front Squat
Push Press
Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (SDHP)
Progression 2
Overhead Squat
Push Jerk
Med-Ball Clean
The Front Squat can be tricky and a little uncomfortable when learning how to properly perform.
Just remember to stick with it, and keep trying your best.
Your flexibility, technique, and strength will improve. I promise this movement will become easier.
Here are the points of performance to remember while front squatting: Hips back, knees out, and chest tall.
The video below explains everything our Coaches look for when helping you with the Front Squat.
9155 General Court, Plymouth, Michigan 48170, United States