Coach Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit says, “The overhead squat is the ultimate core exercise, the heart of the snatch, and peerless in developing effective athletic movement.”
The OHS is one movement that shows us Coaches any areas in an athlete’s fitness that we need to improve…
We love Overhead Squats because they challenge your core, legs, shoulders, balance, stability, flexibility, and focus…
If any of these areas in your fitness are lacking, the Overhead Squat will identify which one and then we can fix it.
Here are Four Tips to Improve the OHS:
1. Be sure to foam roll your quads, hips, and glutes + perform the Couch Stretch for two minutes on each hip
2. Position the bar directly above the back side of your shoulder
3. Keep your shoulders shrugged to your ears
4. Elbows locked out and knuckles to the ceiling
5. Sit your hips back—way back
6. Weight should stay rooted in your heels
I have two resources to share with you…
Step 1: Watch the video below to see a visual demo and pointers for the OHS.
9155 General Court, Plymouth, Michigan 48170, United States