The Push Jerk is another one of our nine fundamental movements and is “Level 3” on the shoulder to overhead barbell movements.
The Push Jerk is awesome because it allows you to engage your hips, speed, and leg strength more when pushing a heavy load overhead.
The Push Jerk is a very explosive, high-intensity movement. This movement requires high energy power output, therefore allowing you to move more weight with the Push Jerk than with Push Press or Shoulder Press.
The Push Jerk is slightly tricky and will take a bit of time to learn the technique and timing of when to “drop under the bar.” You will often see the Push Jerk utilized in Olympic weightlifting competitions.
Here are some coaching cues from this CrossFit Journal article on The Push Jerk:
1. The setup is the same as for the Should Press and Push Press.
2. Dip: The Dip is identical to the Push Press—straight down.
3. Drive: The Drive is identical to the Push Press—straight up.
4. Press and Dip: This time instead of just pressing, you press and dip a second time simultaneously, catching the bar in a partial squat with the arms fully extended overhead (notice this position on the video below).
5. Finish: Stand or squat to fully erect with bar directly overhead identical to terminal position in Push Press and Shoulder Press.
Click play on the video below to learn more about the Push Jerk…
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