The Snatch is one of the hardest and most complex movements in CrossFit and frankly, that is why we teach it. The Snatch involves all ten of our general physical skills.
The ten skills are: cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy.
Regardless of who you are, there is always a way you can improve the Snatch. CrossFit athletes spend years of their life perfecting the smallest errors in the Snatch.
Do not feel ashamed or frustrated if you are having a hard time learning the Snatch or hitting your next personal records.
We are here to help you get better at this stuff. Here are some pro tips to use…
Pro Tips to Mastering the Snatch:
1. Starting Position: have feet positioned in a “jumping stance,” with the feet about as wide as the hips
2. Use the hook grip
3. Chest up when coming off the ground
4. Drive elbows high and outside after you begin to extend your hips
5. Land in the Overhead Squat position
6. Weight in your heels in the landing
Common Mistake People Make:
One mistake CrossFitters make is that the athlete allows the bar to pull them forward off the ground leading to a very inefficient pull.
A simple way to fix this error is to remember to keep your chest up, and drive your knees back in the first pull of the Snatch coming off the ground.
Want to nerd out into a more in-depth article on the Snatch? Click here to download the PDF guide on “The Full Snatch”…
If you are a visual leaner, click play on the video below to learn more.
9155 General Court, Plymouth, Michigan 48170, United States